
Showing posts from January, 2023

Jan 31

 Today we:  talked about our favourite lively letters for question of the day  found out that we have been at school for 90 days and that tomorrow is the first day of February  learned that Mrs. Read's baby is a girl!  talked about how we can help out family community at home and wrote about something we can do at home to help  played a game like basketball but with the scooters!  played exploding ones in math and did a math talk about representing numbers with base 10 blocks  wrote about things that are different colours  played heart word war  drew a dancing woman based off a famous art piece and talked about how in February we celebrate black history month  played snakes and ladders to practice reading r controlled vowels  Important notes for tomorrow:  Tomorrow we are going to do a winter walk, please make sure you are wearing boots for the deep snow and dressed warmly Library tomorrow!  

Jan 26

 Today we:  talked about what our favourite virtue pets are for question of the day  played helicopter and group skipping in gym  had music where we played the rhythm sticks for our "Welome to Music" song and worked on identifying instruments for "Peter and the Wolf" started our new unit and learned about our 5 senses! Played played a sound game and then identified what senses we would use to identify different things  used an open (blank) number line to find identify where on the number line we would place different numbers  practiced skip counting in different ways and listened to a skip counting song drew Toothless from "How to Train your Dragon" for guided drawing  played a new game with our heart words  did silent reading  Ask me:  what are the 5 senses?  to review our heart words  skip count by 10 to 100 with clapping and a robot voice

Jan 25

 Today we:  read the story "Benji, the Bad Day and Me" and learned about how to help someone if they are having a bad day and thought about things that could help us if we were having a bad day  drew a minecraft person for guided drawing  had library and got new books  learned new heart words:  should, could, would talked about immediate and extended family and made our immediate families in makerspace  played skip-it and group jump rope  represented number 15  read a math story  practiced math skills with manipulatives by: 1) looking at the objects 2) making a prediction of how many objects there were 3) counting all the objects 4) grouping the objects into groups of 5 5) practicing skip counting by 5  talked about if we rather be a wizard or a superhero 

Jan 24

 Today we:  learned about Chinese New Years by doing a pause and talk, talked about what we learned and made connections to our own celebrations. Then, we coloured in a picture!  represented the number 10 (we have an extra challenge which is +2, -2 and the number line is bare so we need to use our understanding to find where the number is located practiced skip counting by 5 and 10 in different ways such as clapping, robot voice, grandpa voice and freestyle!  played skipping and helicopter in gym  found out we have been in school for 85 days!  practiced our heart words  practiced reading sentences together  drew Godzilla for our guided drawing  we wrote about what we hope to do  talked about what we would like to learn someday in question of the day  Reminder:  library tomorrow  Ask me:  to review letter sounds and heart words what I would like to learn how to do one day  to skip count by 5 all the way to 50

Jan 23

Happy Monday! Today we:  we talked about what we know and wonder about communities  we read a story called In Every House, On Every Street and talked about the favourite parts of our homes and asked other people in our class what their favourite part of their homes are  drew a llama for guided drawing  did helicopter, skipping and partner tricks in gym wrote using the prompt "One day I hope..." (i.e what you hope to be when you grow up, what you hope to do)  we represented the number 13 and then we used white boards and blocks to represent different numbers  learned about the lively letter 'er' like water, stroller talked about our new heart word: your  Homework:  Ask your parents what neighbourhood you live in Ask me:  to review our heart words  what is your favourite part of our home and why?

Jan 20

Today we:  were very cozy all day in our pyjamas!  talked about our weekend plans during question of the day  drew a pickle for guided drawing (by student request! We love pickles in grade 1!)  had math center options:  play count by 10 bump! play count by 5 board game  make skip counting puzzles! If we did this option, they will be in our red folders for us to practice with at home!  had three rotations to practice skipping and make our own tricks  practiced writing sentences on the white boards  Ask me:  to show you my puzzle or to practice skip counting by 5 or 10  to practice going over the heart word sheet that students got in November what math centers did you work on today? Have a great weekend! 

PJ Day!

 Remember to wear your pyjamas tomorrow for spirit day! 😁

Jan 19

 Today we:  talked about what we ate or drank for breakfast for question of the day  continued with jump rope and skipping and learned 3 more tricks!  worked on our final draft of our art project and gave and received advice to help us make the final improvements  learned a new lively letter: ar! (far, park, car)  learned two new math games! Bump to practice counting by 10 and Count by 5 to practice counting by 5! read a book about a neighbourhood and make something from our community in Makerspace  made our observations about the celery and saw what changes were made and talked about what we noticed  drew an ice cream cone for guided drawing  Ask me: how do you play the two new math games?

Jan 18

Today we:  talked about if we would rather have a car that could go under water or a car that could fly for 'Would you rather Wednesday"  read "Ravi's Roar", talked about where in our bodies we start to get hints that we are getting angry and then we drew where on our bodies we feel our hints (this is in our backpacks so we can show our adults and talk about where we start to feel clues that we are getting angry)  learned a new lively letter sound: 'or' like for and more collected data on if we think Mrs. Read's baby will be a boy or a girl  started to practice skip counting by 5 and played a game with a ball to practice skip counting by 5  worked on skipping in gym  had music and worked on beats and the music story  ended our day with library  Ask me:  where in your body do you get hints that you are starting to get angry if a number is even or odd (i.e 4, 5, 17, 20)  to skip count by 10 to 100  to skip count by 5 to 30 (a challenge is to count to 75

Jan 17

 Today we represented the number 11 for our number of the day  did our third draft of our animal pictures after we gave and received advice on how to improve our work  continued with skipping and learned how to do tricks in gym talked about what vegetables we like to eat during question of the day  drew a picture of the inside of a house in guided drawing  used data to help us answer questions in math  practiced writing sentenced in language arts  did literacy centers and practiced writing and reading  we learned 2 new heart words: any and many  Reminders:  library tomorrow! Please bring your books  Friday is pyjama day 

Jan 16

Happy Monday! Today we:  represented 13 for our number of the day  learned two new heart words: think and what  played skipping in gym  practiced skip counting by 10 and played a game with a ball to help us learn how to count by 10 to 100  practiced spelling words  drew a path with a tree for guided drawing  wrote about things we saw in i-spy and what those things do or made a sentence using those words  read "Ruby Finds a Worry" in health, talked about what we could do when we are feeling yellow to help us get back to green  discovered we have been at school for 79 days and practiced counting to 79!  Friday is Spirit Day! Please wear your comfy PJ's to school!  Ask me:  to skip count by 10 as high as I can  what sound ea, ee, sh, ch, oo, (there's 2 sounds!) make  what is the trick to skip

Jan 12

 Today we:  watched a video called "Austin's Butterfly" where we learned about perseverance and making multiple drafts of our art picked our own animal to draw and looked very closely at our animal to draw a realistic picture. Next, we will be giving feedback to improve and make another draft of our art! (Dolphin, hippo, cougar or butterfly)  played crazy curling in gym  drew Miles Morales for guided drawing  found out we have been at school for 77 day! did silent reading in literacy centers  had music and we sang and did a story song  practiced spelling and writing a sentence  played 'one, two, three' as a whole class to practice counting to 77  represented a number independently  Tomorrow is spirit day! Please wear Orange for Grade 1! 🧡

Jan 11

 Today we:  figured out some ideas to help other people if we notice that they are in the blue zone to help them get back into their green zone  drew a turtle for guided drawing  represented the number 12 for number of the day  talked about if we would rather travel in a submarine or in a spaceship  read independently  had our first library class of 2023!  created our own would you rather questions, asked our classmates and gathered data to find out what other people would rather do learned a new heart word: "goes" like "the clock goes tick-tock"  we practiced spelling  made a robot in makerspace based off the book "Boy + Bot"  learned a new vowel pair: 'ea' like eagle, eat and each  played crazy basket ball in gym  discovered we have been at school for 76 days of school! We have been practice counting up to the number of days we have been at school Ask me:  to count to 76  what was your 'would you rather' question? what was the new lively

Jan 10

 Today we:  played crazy hockey in gym  represented 20 as our number of the day  we learned about the colours in a rainbow, made rainbows in an experiment with the flashlight  and coloured in our own rainbow! (in our backpacks)  learned a new lively letter! We learned the other 'oo' sound as in look, hook and book drew a skunk, wrote about what we like to eat and did reading during literacy centers learned a new counting game (one, two, three)  represented our own number by picking a number between 10-20  Ask me:  to review and practice the heart words (sheet given at parent teacher conferences)  what are the colours in a rainbow? how do you play the game one, two, three?

Jan 9

 Happy New Year! Welcome back to school! We had a FANTASTIC day today! Today we:  collected data in math to see if other people in our class did the same things we did over winter break  learned a new lively letter: oo like in the words boo, cool, spoon, pool, school drew a minion for guided drawing  played crazy soccer in gym  worked on focused fox and participating puppy  talked about what we did over winter break in our opening circle  talked about and identified strategies to help us get from the blue zone back to the green zone  wrote about our breaks in English writing  learned by for a heart word  represented the number 10  counted 74 days of school!  we did a counting movement break  had OUTDOOR recess!  Reminders & tips :  On Friday we are having a spirit day! Please wear orange (our grade colour)  Practice the sound 'h'  Ask me what strategy I would use to get from blue zone to green zone  Ask me what are some words that have the sound 'oo' or to chop out